記念式のためにアメリカ訪問していた韓国聖殿食口たちが、95%がヒラリー支持者だというニューヨークを訪れ、一足先にトランプ支持&マティス歓迎のプラカードや垂れ幕をもって写真を撮ってきました! ちょうど、その時、ある記者に会い、写真を撮ってくれたので、いい宣伝になったという話でした。^0^v
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▼ 韓国からホワイトハウスに歓迎のメッセージも送りました。
Sir Secretary James Mattis,
Thank you for visiting Korea. We are sure that your visit will keep South Korea away from communism and protect democracy of Northeast Asia. We, the members of Sanctuary Church, strongly support President Trump.
Korea’s media is currently being fabricated by the pro-North Korean group. Korea is in the time of national crisis due to the impeachment of Conservative Party President Park Gun Hye. Problems with the impeachment of President Park caused by her monopolizing the government authority and the issue of Military Sexual Slavery during the 2nd World War have led South Korea to become more anti-Japanese, preventing development and prosperity in Northeast Asia. As a result, North Korea and China’s aim to unification under communism is being covered and getting out of people’s attention. We are very worried about this situation.
Value of the civil liberties and fundamental human rights granted by God cannot be exchanged with anything. Democracy centered on God that protects such things is the political ideology we must keep. We sincerely thank the United States and President Trump for standing strong as the guardians of freedom. Tens of millions of people in Korea and Japan who support President Trump are arising. We do not want to join hands with China.
We, the Sanctuary Church in Korea representing all those who are with Christ, along with Rev. Hyung Jin Sean Moon and Mr. Kook Jin Justin Moon of Sanctuary’s head quarter in Pennsylvania, would like to join hands with the United States and President Trump to avoid becoming a dependency to China.
We sincerely hope that Korea will be friends with the United States to lead the way of liberty, peace, and prosperity in Northeast Asia.
Thank you for visiting Korea first.
God bless,
Members of Sanctuary Church in Korea
マティス国防長官は「6・25戦争以降、米国が生んだ最も偉大な戦闘指揮官」と呼ばれるなど、「将軍の中の将軍」という言葉を言われてきた。一生独身で過ごしながら崩れない態度、軍への情熱、学門および思想に対する深い探究心を見せて「僧侶戦士(Warrior Monk)」と呼ばれもする。彼は北朝鮮政権をイラン政権のように危険であり、信頼できない存在であると認識しており、アジア・太平洋地域の米軍拡大を主張した。